High Fidelity  /haı fı’del.ə.ti/
Faithful reproduction of the original

We may never know what really came first;
cannabis or music?

This debate is as old as time and will likely continue for many millennia to come.

What we do know for certain, is that the pair have been rooted in our cultures through celebration, ceremony and ritual for thousands of years.

This is what the High Fidelity Paper CO. is founded on, the enrichment of culture through cannabis and music.

We have simply  woven together the finest natural ingredients and state-of-the-art technology  to create the quintessential pre-roll cone and paper products. So, drop the needle on your favorite record, order some High Fidelity Paper and see what it’s all about.

Record Store with HiFi Vinyl


Visual presentation of our Cone's anatomy.
Our LogoSUPER CRUTCH Trademark

The crutch is arguably the most important part of a pre-roll cone, but somehow the least talked about.

Our team of growers, processors, and distribution and marketing experts took their many years’ experience in all aspects of the industry, and put every pre-roll cone on the market to task. We discovered a glaring weakness across the board: the crutch. This led us to developing the Super Crutch!  

The Super Crutch is designed to increase the structure of the industry standard cone. Improving cone structure and stability by up to 33%, the extra support from Super Crutch helps the cone maintain integrity, and resist compression and canoeing during draw. The result is a more direct transmission of product to you. In addition, you get improved efficiency in production filling...
and it's only available on High Fidelity Pre-roll cones!

HiFi cones are also made with the finest 100% natural fiber ultra-thin paper - for the perfect slow, smooth, and even-burning pre-roll cone.

Super Crutch isn’t just a catchy name, it's actually pretty Super!

360 showreel of our cone packaging

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